Moscow: Forced single-engine landing on highway

A small plane that broke the engine, landed today on a busy highway on the outskirts of Moscow, without anyone being injured.

Russian TV showed images of small red plane with skis for landing, the cockpit has been partially dismantled in two pieces. The cars continued to circulate on the highway loxodromontas to avoid a feather that had fallen on the asphalt.

The emergency landing took place early in the afternoon in aftokinitodrmo M8, approximately 60 kilometers northeast of Moscow, as reported by the rescue services.

"The movement is normally carried out and there are no victims," ​​added the same source.

"After takeoff the small aircraft's engine stopped and the pilot decided to land it (...) on the highway," said a source at the agency Interfax.

The Research Committee announced it would begin preliminary to the question whether violated the traffic rules and safety regulations
